
Info About Allergic Rhinitis

It's flu, sinusitis, or allergic rhinitis?

The dry, cold weather and the constant changes in temperature are some characteristics of winter that contribute to the emergence of various respiratory diseases.
 The order is to take blankets, gloves, scarves cabinets, and prepare for the changing weather.
The high incidence of respiratory diseases at this time of year always creates confusion as to the type of disease to be treated. Arrives when the first sneeze, a question immediately comes to mind: flu, sinusitis or allergic rhinitis? read full info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhinitis

It is caused by rhinovirus, which can be acquired through contact of the virus with the inner lining of the nose.
This happens when someone comes in contact with contaminated someone uncontaminated and transmits the virus through the use of objects (when, for example, uses a contaminated object such as a cup or spoon, then used by someone not contaminated), or touch (quite common situation is that the child contaminated by touch or kiss on the cheek of the mother passes the virus to her). 

The most common symptoms are runny nose, nasal voice, hoarseness and headaches. The symptoms caused by rhinovirus are usually mild and did not exceed 7 days.


It is an infectious disease caused by influenza virus, which spreads easily through the air and produces much more severe symptoms than the common cold.

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