
Nine Spanish Hospitals Organized Walks Copd Patients

Nine hospitals throughout Spain organized tomorrow, World copd, outdoor walks patients obstructive pulmonary disease following an initiative of the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery.

The objective of this activity is to ‘show patients as an activity as simple as a daily walk can improve your quality of life and slow the course of the disease,’ explained separ sources which is based in Barcelona. Visit more information from here http://www.reviewlization.com/

Scholars have noted that 32% of patients with EPOC are not physically active despite knowing that this would improve their quality of life and slow the progression of the disease.

According to doctors, increased physical activity in 1,000 kilocalories per week reduces the risk of death by 20%.

Therefore, with the collaboration of the pharmaceutical company Novartis, the separ has organized the campaign ‘March to the EPOC Dale’ to sensitize copd patients and their caregivers about the importance of physical activity, which is the first non-pharmacological measure to cope with their illness.

It is expected that more than 500 patients to participate in this action in which each pulmonology department of the hospitals involved has organized an activity outside of a hospital setting, a walk outdoors and a talk to educate patients and a simple daily walk’ is sufficient physical activity, easy and inexpensive way to improve your overall’.

Hospital morning walks are organized in Carlos Haya, Malaga, the Loja (Granada), the Canary Islands, the Tenerife, the San Juan de Alicante, that of Valencia, Navarre, that of Toledo, and the Montecelo of Pontevedra. Check out this link also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walking

Experts have warned that EPOC patients generally show a trend of inactivity due to bronchial obstruction occurrence, the impact systemic disease copd or consequence.

Despite the recommendations of professionals, 32% of patients with EPOC do not perform any physical activity, 40% performed moderate exercise and only 30% a year according to their needs, according to a study in hospitals of Valencia.

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